We have received our Rife machine and absolutely love it! We have seen great results already in the week and a half of owning it!
I do have a question that you could maybe direct me with. We just found out that our son, who is 1.5 years old, has parasites all throughout his body which is causing very poor health in his body. I would like to do a parasite cleanse and detox and am wondering if there is a specific protocol to follow when doing this, and especially on a toddler? 
You can put the Mat under a Thin fitted Cotton Bed sheet and let the little one just sleep on it.
You can also use the straps on the balls of the feet, keep eye on it, for both the mat and the straps, so you can determine if the voltage needs to be lower.  Look for any irritation.  If you see that, lower the voltage.
With the straps, you can use thin cotton socks and put the straps on the balls of the feet over the socks. 
With the straps you can lower that to 12.5v when in direct contact with the skin.  17v or 14.5v over a thin pair of cotton socks and with the mat or belt under a thin cotton sheet, I wouldn’t go any lower than 14.5v.
There is no limitation when using the Rife Digital Professional V3 for a toddler, to eliminate parasites.  The more the better.
However; the herbal Clark parasite kits are designed for Adults.  All ingredients are 100% natural though.
Perhaps use half the recommended herbs for children, if concerned with reactions to herbs.
Group 15 is the Clark Parasite Frequency set on the V3 machine.  You can use both the herbal cleanse and the frequency set.
I would start with the frequency set, and see how that goes.  It is an effective set.  
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