Can I use my Laptop while I am wearing the Feet Straps?

1. Because the electrodes are on the right and left we were told not to cross our legs if the electrodes were on our feet. Is this true?
– It doesn’t really matter if you cross your feet.  The current moves through the circulatory system, the most conductive area within the leg.  Crossing will not affect the frequency signals
2. I told my sister about how you sit at your computer with your feet on the pad. She said she thought you shouldn’t touch anything electronic while this was running. 
Touching electronics will not have much of an effect.  
However Contact with an “earth device” can for some people, read the next answer
And also I think she said it felt like the shock was going through her when she was on her computer. Have you heard this before? What are your thoughts about using the computer while you are running the Rife machine? 

Computers use a lot of grounding when plugged into the wall socket.  Most of the outer case and covers of Apple products for example are polished aluminium.  The Grounding comes through the earth wire and connects to the aluminium body of the laptop/ipad etc.  When plugged into the Rife Digital and touching an earthed surface, it will cause an amplification of the frequencies at the point of contact (between hand and keyboard).  The work around on this is:   Unplug your laptop/ipad from the power source, and this will eliminate the “earth” feedback.

Could this be a problem, using Rife and a plugged in laptop?  Not at all, there are no side effects or issues, except for the sensitivity at the point of where the hand touches the body of the (plugged in) device.

In Summary.  Use any device you want, but take note that devices with polished aluminium body (almost all apple products) when plugged into the power adapter may have an earthing effect when wearing the Rife Digital Straps.  Most people will not notice this, however everyone’s sensitivity levels are different.


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