
Hi again Michele. Another medical emergency!

My sister, G.,  has been diagnosed with a brain tumor, they found a large mass on the right bottom side of the brain. The description  I was given is “basal ganglia thalamus”

We are awaiting the biopsy report.
In the meantime I am wondering what is the best frequency set to put her on using my zapper.  With my other sister you said that  “group 8 “ was the general Cancer setting that Dr Rife had good success with.  Is it best to use that, or best to use one targeting brain tumor?

Group 8 is an excellent General cancer treatment group.

Consider the Ketogenic Diet to assist with the treatment of Glioblastomas and Brain Cancer

Although not many human trials have been done for Keto Diet and tumors, the animal studies have been successful in most cases.

Keto Diet requires a complete overhaul of any current western diet and its mainstay is the complete elimination of sugar from the body

(includes eliminating hidden sugars .Sugar in Grains – wheat – rice – corn) Replacing a western carbohydrate rich diet with Proteins and good Fats (omegas)

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