
D. R.  has Graft vs. Host.

She has been using the Rife V3 for almost a month now.

The symptoms are rash below the knee that are like water blisters.

And dry eyes.

She is using it for one session per day.

Last night she did her one session (velcro straps on the feet).

When she was done she noticed that her legs were red and hot below the knees and down to the feet. The symptoms did subside.

Any suggestions?


Graft versus host disease (GvHD) is a condition that occurs after an allogeneic transplant. In GvHD, the donated bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells view the recipient’s body as foreign, and the donated cells/bone marrow attack the body.

A Rash and dry eyes would be considered a mild case of GVHD, and can be a good sign. If the donor immune cells attack the healthy cells, they’re also fighting any leftover cancer cells. A doctor would likely not recommend any treatments for mild GVHD

The Rife Digital Professional V3 treatment would only affect bacteria, virus, pathogens and cancer relating to GVHD.  Any side affect could simply be the body’s immune system response to the GVHD, and also may be related to a herxheimer reaction of the Rife Machine frequency cleanup of disease.

The client can (1) change programs to a general super sweep, (2) reduce the amount of Rife Digital Professional V3 treatment time

Final note:  Remember Herxheimer effects are not a negative response, rather a side effect of the body’s clean up processes

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