
What would you do with this diagnosis: Infiltrating carcinoma with apocrine differentiation: G3 associated with high-grade nuclear blackhead-type DCIS. She had breast surgery two years ago, now the doctor has found an alleged lump in her liver.

Best regards


Infiltrating carcinoma is a cancer that has spread beyond the layer of tissue in which it developed and is growing into surrounding, healthy tissues. Also called metastasis.

Use the Metastasis preset group on RDPV3

Cancer: Metastasis (Organ) RDPV3 GROUP 7: 0.13, 0.46, 0.83, 12.69, 93.5, 221.5, 434.71, 512.33, 667, 753.07

Use the Rife Healing Mat over a thin 100% cotton T-shirt across the abdomen to target the liver with frequencies.

(T-shirt to prevent rash or possible reaction on the overnight treatment program)

Use simultaneously with straps on the balls of the feet via the second port on the V3 machine.  If you do this, all 4 straps or 2 straps and the mat, you want all of the positive connections on one side of the body and negative on the other.

Here’s a picture:

Positive on one side. Negative on the other.
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