
I noticed an irritation on the top of my hand when using the Velcro Strap.  What should I do about that?


You cannot get burned on the top of the hand with Velcro straps.  The velcro does not carry voltage.  The only point of voltage is the silver button.  Only if the strap flipped around would a burn or rash possibly occur at the top of the hand, which means the client has not done the straps up tight enough.  You want the point of contact on the fleshy part of the palm, by the thumb or the little finger.  You can use it on the balls of the feet as well.

In fact the “burn” on the top of the hand could refer to the explanation below….

The report of a burn on the soles of the feet may be a red-oxide stain (harmless stain).  Please inspect the silver button on the velcro strap, and identify possible rust or corrosion caused by the electrolysis process.  A velcro strap sitting for a year will get a red oxide build up on the conductive button, which can be easily removed with a green dish scourer and a little dishwash soap, or replace the straps altogether with new ones.

Although the brown/red mark may look like a “burn” it is, in fact, a transfer of the brown/red oxide off the conductive button onto the skin.

Do the treatment again, with a brand new velcro strap, or if using the 2 year old straps, polish the silver button with a green dish scourer until it is gleaming silver before using again.

Report back any issues after following the above (analysis) suggestions


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