GB4000 Connector and Voltage Adjustment

GB4000 Voltage & Connector
Voltage adjustment and Connector





When using the Rife Healing Mat or Belt, use the voltage adjustment — adjust down when using the mat or belt in direct contact with the skin.  With our machines, 12.5v allows direct contact with the skin.

When using a thin piece of material between you and the mat or belt, like a thin cotton t-shirt or a thin fitted bed sheet, then raise the voltage.  With our machines we go up to 17v. So, you can go higher — pay attention to your comfort level.  You shouldn’t really feel anything.

Here is a page that will show you what materials can be used.

When using the straps, you want them to be on the balls of the feet or the fleshy part of the palm by the thumb or little finger.  We put the voltage to 17v.  You shouldn’t feel much of anything but if you do feel any discomfort you can lower the voltage.




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