When using the mat or belt in direct contact with the skin you want the voltage set to 12.5v on the V2 or V3 machines.  With the Trio model you will need to use a thin cotton T-shirt.  Here is PAGE that will show you what materials can be used.

With a thin cotton T-shirt put the voltage to 17v on the V2, V3 models.

Some people can be sensitive to the signal, use the voltage adjustment to control that.  Also, some people can be sensitive to the RED and BLACK buttons, the snaps on the mat or belt.  You can place a little piece of electrical tape over that if you notice any discomfort.

Also, I notice, for myself, sometimes I will use a frequency set with the belt on my bare skin at 12.5v with no problem.  And, then, sometimes, the next night I will do the same, and same frequency set and notice it feels a little zappy.  I think this has to do with the water content on the skin.  When that happens, I use it with a thin cotton t-shirt.

To summarize, the Trio models do not have a voltage adjustment, so you will need a thin piece of material between you and the mat or belt.  The V2 and V3 models do have a voltage adjustment, at 12.5v you can use that in direct contact with the skin.  If you are using a thin piece of material between you and the mat or belt, put the voltage to 17v.

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