Grounding Sheet — Can I Use It with the Machine?


I have been sleeping on a grounding sheet(silver thread) and grounding pillow(silver as well), would that affect my treatment?



A grounding mat or sheet will enhance the quality and strength of the Rife machine frequencies, by providing a new “Ground/negative pole) source.

It is fine to use the mat or straps, but one must remember the grounding sheet is conductive, which means if it lays across any part of the “Conductive (rubber)” side of the RHM, it will short the frequencies out.

An example would be likened to: Putting a tin foil sheet across the terminals on a 12v car battery, it would short the battery, and prevent the production of voltage

So the grounding mat/sheet is great, providing it does not short the positive/ground (red/black) conductive side of the RHM.


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