The original Gangrene frequency set was derived from CAFL 2006 set, which have been translated to all ETDFL sets each year until 2017.

Between 2017 – 2020 a larger database of frequencies were compiled using raw data from clinics using Electrofrequency Devices, and Bioresonance machines, and this set was part of this major update.

The original 2006 set was lacking in validity due to excluding an important bacterium Clostridium perfringens involvement in Gangrene, and thus this accounts for the upgrade of the entire Gangrene set to address this related bacterium

Myonecrosis is a form of gangrene and bacterial infection that produces toxins which lead to gas build up inside the tissues. The gas is produced through glucose fermentation, and is usually composed of 5.9% hydrogen, 3.4% carbon dioxide, 74.5% nitrogen, 16.1% oxygen. This form of Gangrene is caused by a rod shaped, gram positive, spore forming bacterium called Clostridium perfringens.

Also use the DETOX (Toxin extraction specific) set , in conjunction with the 2020 Gangrene frequency set:
Detox (Toxin extraction): 0.19, 0.37, 7.25, 45.75, 96.5, 325, 519.34, 655.2, 750, 922.53
c/- Dr Pete
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