
Is there anything for the nanobots that seem to be the wave of the future vaccines?


It is correct that the Bill Gates foundation are promoting vaccinations for the entire
planet which some have been said will contain various unknown and likely dangerous
products, whether they are bots, sterilization agents or other.  If Bills plan succeeds,
then it may not be possible to travel or enter Government building, receive welfare,
without possessing a Bill Gates approved vaccination passport,I do not believe this
will happen suddenly.  Bills agenda is 2030. The roll out will be slow, and may not

To answer the question specifically:  The Rife Digital targets living pathogens,
if there is a bot based on electronic components, then it can be affected by a rife
machine voltage spike, if the vaccine contains chemicals then the Rife Digital will
not be able to deal with it.  Rife or Zapper Digital cannot convert chemicals into a safe

If a body is injected with harmful chemicals, only the liver can eliminate those
chemicals.  perhaps in this case, only the DETOX set would be helpful

Example:  Thiomersal (or Thimerosal) is a mercury compound used as a preservative
used in vaccines. It is directly related to Autism, and the ballooning cases of autism in
the past 40 years.  Should a dose of Thiomersal enter the body with the vaccine, the
Rife Digital will not be able to convert the  Thiomersal into a safe compound,
The Rife Machine was designed to kill and destroy all pathogens, but not chemical
substances deliberately injected into the body.

The best preventative measure is to refuse all vaccinations, Have a healthy diet,
use the Rife whenever you get sick or unwell.  Grow your own food if possible,
join community markets, farmer markets, and become more independent of these
draconian agendas

Robert Kennedy sums it up here

If this article sounds unbelievable, each Blue text links back to a real newspaper

article or archived medical report

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