
If the virus mutates to some [or even to some modest degree], do the frequencies change due to that?
**  Also one of the “scientist” asked whether they assess the sample in a petri dish which sometimes has a different expression due to the environment than when in a person.
**  Do they always use samples [in a petri dish or whatever] or do they use people as the source of the derived frequency signatures?
Just wondering in case you had more information related to these inquiries.


The frequencies are always sourced from patients identified with the disease.  Frequencies are not sourced from specimens outside of the body, such as in petri dish.  The reason being:  The virus in the body is activated and produces a very different frequency to a non active specimen in a dish.  Frequencies appear to only disrupt the virus ability to  replicate only when that virus is within the body.  It is these specific frequencies that are sourced from living tissue, for the simple reason that they are the most effective frequencies for eliminating the virus, or at least preventing the virus from replicating itself.

The example above refers to a Virus.  This method of frequency sourcing is synonymous with bacteria, parasites, molds and all pathogens
Almost always, a mutation from the same specimen will always be disrupted or destroyed by the original frequency set.  There are tiny differences in frequencies in mutations, however because the frequencies produced always range within a 5000hz bandwidth, providing the rife machine has a higher voltage and amperage output, it will destroy the pathogen mutations within a fairly large Hz range.  For this reason the correct voltage and amperage output plays an important role in effective frequency targeting of pathogens
.C/- Etdfl labs, translated from German, sorry if the wording is a bit sketchy with the translator.
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