 am currently running frequencies for medullary sponge kidney, kidney stones (uric acid), and gout. what are frequency recommendations to help alkalize urine?
Lemon water and bicarbonate of soda seem to help as well. thank you.

Lowering of acid in Urine, alkalizing urine is best achieved through diet.  More examples are below.  Of the Rife Frequencies, the following set  does assist with this condition.

Kidney Calculi: 0.04, 0.18, 0.70, 0.85, 5.78, 32.50, 60.00, 125.23, 95.67, 150.00

Some people have had good results with adding a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda  to a fruit juice or water.  Results are mixed, some people achieve alkaline urine in days with bicarbonate soda, some people less results, but it is worth a try.  Allow 5 days of bicarbonate soda and then check urine alkalinity

In people who are not vegetarians, the pH of urine tends to be acidic. A diet rich in citrus fruits, legumes, and vegetables raises the pH and produces urine that is more alkaline. Most of the bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections make the urine more alkaline because the bacteria split urea into ammonia and other alkaline waste products. The urine pH varies in different types of acidosis and alkalosis. Control of pH is important in the management of several diseases, including bacterium, renal calculi, and drug therapy.

The formation of renal stones is related to the urine pH. Patients being treated for renal calculi are frequently given diets or medications to change the pH of the urine so that kidney stones will not form.
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