
According to layman's explanation by my cardiac doctor, who performed first and second procedure of stent insertion (angioplasty), my artery was 80% (1 stent) blocked and in a second procedure (2 stents) 2 arteries were seriously blocked.

If it will help to suggest best RIFE treatment by getting specific diagnoses, please let me know and I will request that from a doctor

Again, thanks so much for willing to discuss this with me. One of my major concerns is taking multiple of medications prescribed. I hope there are better and more natural ways to help in my condition

Answer: Arteriosclerosis: 0.07, 0.73, 5.00, 7.25, 92.50, 352.93, 451.17, 519.68, 684.81, 712.81

The frequencies are beneficial only for early stage arteriosclerosis Arteriosclerosis is the thickening, hardening and loss of elasticity of the walls of arteries and should not be confused with atherosclerosis, caused by the buildup of fatty plaques and cholesterol in the artery.

The Arteriosclerosis frequency set focuses on the increase of elasticity in the walls of arteries via specific frequency pulses, which benefits the early onset of arteriosclerosis, however may not assist with advanced arteriosclerosis condition

Arteriosclerosis should not be confused with atherosclerosis. In the case of atherosclerosis the Rife/Zapper cannot remove fatty plaque deposits & cholesterol in the arterial walls, elimination of this high cholesterol deposit can only be achieved through exercise, water and diet.

Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is a form of cholesterol that can build in your bloodstream to eventually form a plaque that hardens your arteries, in a condition called atherosclerosis. This is a progressive buildup contributed by eating a diet high in fat and cholesterol.

A sedentary lifestyle furthers this process when you gain excessive weight by not burning more calories than you consume.

Cholesterol and plaque build gradually and may not initially cause symptoms. However, the danger in consuming a poor diet and remaining sedentary is you may not know when your artery walls might rupture and clot. The result of a rupture is heart attack or stroke.

Once you discover plaque in your arteries through medical testing, follow physician recommendations and change your diet. Simple changes can reduce the plaque and LDL cholesterol in your arteries.

Eliminate saturated fat and trans fat from your diet. These fats are found in red meat, whole dairy and many packaged baked foods. Replace saturated and trans fats with unsaturated or lean sources of meat from chicken, fish and low-fat dairy.

Limit your animal-based food consumption to two or three servings a week. Do not fry your meats and avoid using lard, butter or margarine, which are high in saturated or trans fats.

Exercise is essential to heart health and reduces your cholesterol and plaque levels. Exercise can also help you lose excess weight if this is a contributor to arterial blockage. Start with 30 minutes a day and go for a walk around your neighborhood. Increase your workout time each week until you reach 60 minutes a day. Add variety to your workout and try fitness classes on video or at the gym. Get a bike and go for a ride a few times a week to vary your routine or work with a personal trainer to learn specific ways to tone your body while you regain your health. The other suggestion is drinking the correct amount of GOOD water which is 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day. If you haven’t read about the Vitalizer Plus I think this would be very helpful for you. Take a look at this page, the science here is amazing and like the Zapper the concept is simple and makes so much sense. 

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