My friend was excited about a new product he found called Beyond Meat. I checked it out at the store, read the ingredients, saw canola oil, and decided no. Here’s the paragraph on canola oil (page 295) from The Medical Medium book: “One seemingly innocuous oil that has snuck into our lives is canola oil (AKA rapeseed oil). While awareness of canola’s health risks is growing, there’s a competing campaign that promotes its benefits. It has become a staple in restaurants, used mostly as a replacement for unhealthy lard, cottonseed oil, and corn oil, and as a cheaper, lower-fat alternative to olive oil. The irony is, canola oil has its own set of pitfalls. Don’t be fooled when you hear that canola oil is good for you. Whatever valuable components canola oil has are outweighed by the downsides. If you found out that the wholesome dinners you enjoyed at a friend’s house every Friday night were laced with arsenic, would you still think they were wholesome? Or would you feel that any nutrition they contained were rendered obsolete? While you may not die by the end of the meal, the repeated exposure would still be extremely risky business. You would certainly experience a loss of vitality by the 100th meal. Be just as wary of canola. Canola oil is severely damaging to the immune system, causing it to become dysfunctional and disruptive to organ and gut health. Canola oil not only feeds pathogens as the other foods above do (he’s referring to dairy, eggs, corn, wheat, and natural flavors); it also eats away at all linings in the body – from the stomach and intestinal tract linings to those of veins, arteries, the heart, kidneys, bladder, ureter, urethra, and, if you’re a woman, the linings of the reproductive system.”  

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