Question: My question is about Rife, ALS & C-60. What do you think about that? Answer: The Fullerene family, and especially C60 have been well documented to assist positively with the treatment of ALS. Olive Oil and C60 have only shown positive affects for ALS, and there are no negative side affects. Use natural therapies like C60 in conjunction with Rife Digital Professional on frequency set ALS: 0.02, 2.50, 60.00, 95.00, 225.33, 479.50, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00, 985.67 As ALS often starts in the hands, feet or limbs, and then spreads to other parts of your body with focus at the nerve center (cells), use the Straps on feet and hands overnight. If feet are the worst affected area, use the straps on the soles of the feet. If it is the hands area which is worse affected place the straps on the palms of hands. Combine any of the above straps on feet/hands treatment with a Rife Healing Belt or mat. Place this over the lower back spinal region, with the mat placed equally center to the spine. Continue this treatment program every night for 6 months. It is a slow healing process that requires constant attention to regular treatment and focus of the Rife Healing mat/belt over the Lumbar Plexus or lower (spine) central nervous system  

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