
Recently I’ve had CT brain scan done due to the car accident. Only findings were: Minor Basal ganglia calcification normal limits within this age group (68). I am very concern to develop dementia. Can I use Dr Rife machine or zapper? Please advise me.


Although the early signs vary, common early symptoms of dementia include: – memory problems, particularly remembering recent events. – increasing confusion. – reduced concentration. – personality or behavior changes. – apathy and withdrawal or depression. – loss of ability to do everyday tasks. see B Vitamins for Memory Loss and Dementia

Most attention on B vitamins for dementia focuses on vitamin B12, B6, and B9. This isn’t surprising; studies show that deficiencies in these vitamins are common in the elderly and can contribute to cognitive decline. Treatment with a complex of B-vitamins helps to prevent neurodegeneration. One study showed that over two years, vitamin B treatment slowed shrinkage of the whole brain, and further study showed that B vitamins reduced gray matter atrophy in regions of the brain specifically susceptible to Alzheimer’s-related degeneration. Combine a Large daily B vitamin supplement with a Rife or Zapper Digital Professional V2 treatment program to assist with the symptoms of:

Dementia Dementia: 0.06, 0.26, 0.65, 5.15, 7.00, 42.50, 92.50, 475.95, 527.00, 661.71

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