Why don’t I see a cloud form when making the silver?

Question: When making the Colloidal Silver with the Dr. Beck Machine I don’t see a cloud forming in the water – why is that? Am I doing something wrong. Answer: The silver rods are too far apart. Manually squeeze the rods until they almost touch then try again in the glass of water. Generally speaking squeezing the rods so they are closer together will create a cloud in any water type. Also try with Tap water, just as a test. Silver is more reactive in tap water. (use this as a machine & silver test only, don’t keep silver produced in tap water) If the water the customer is using is distilled, this will also cause the silver cloud to be transparent The higher the purity of water the more transparent the cloud will be, even through the water is absorbing the silver colloids, it is not visible to the eyes. Generally speaking squeezing the rods so they are closer together will create a cloud in any water type Word of warning: Do not have the rods touching, as this will short circuit the silver maker.. Rods Close is ok, but not touching.  

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