Question: ============= I have a very concerned client who has been using the machine programmed for herpes frequencies. She has been using it daily and had a pretty bad outbreak and is now blaming the machine thinking that it is making her worse. I’ve tried to explain to her that often times there are flare ups when you disrupt these viruses. She says this is the third time it’s happened and is concerned with use. Do you guys have any research on herpes virus and machine use that she could look at. Any suggestions??? She also wants to verify that daily use isn’t harmful in any way ============ Answer: Its the textbook reply, but is the right reply When a client begins the electrotherapy- treatments, the (herpes) virus in the body are killed. This can overwhelm the immune system and lead to nausea, fatigue and dizziness. This is called the ‘Herxheimer effect’, an immune system response to toxins in the blood and tissues. This brief overloading of the liver and other eliminating organs worsen symptoms at first. This can be a for a few hours, but can also last up to 2-3 days before feeling much better. It is important to know that the worsening of symptoms does not mean the treatment has failed; in fact, it is exactly the opposite, namely the evidence for a very strong and effective detoxification. What to do when a Herxheimer reaction occurs? The most important thing is to accept this physical reaction, as a confirming result of the treatment. If it is very severe, then reduce the time of treatment, drink lots of water (at least 4 L per day) and rest (no exercise!), eat lightly to not burden your digestive system additionally, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to your drinking water and make sure that your digestion system is working properly (using Epsom salt or natural laxatives may be recommended). Take a rest from the Electro Therapy sessions for a few days until you recover.  

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