Dr. Beck Programs – Dr. Beck Machine

Dr. Beck Machine Programs:

INFO PAGES  (Click to Link) Plugging in, Charging unit, Running Programs  


About the 22 Dr Beck Professional Internal Programs —

Program 1: Dr Beck Brain Tuner BT-4  

Program 2: Dr Beck Brain Tuner BT-2

Program 3: Dr Beck Brain Tuner BT-6 

Program 4: Dr Beck Brain Tuner BT-7 ➥

Program 5: Schumann Earth Frequency Program

Program 6: Alpha Wave Program

Program 7: Beta Wave Program

Program 8: Gamma Wave Program

Program 9: Delta Wave Program

Program 10: Theta Wave Program

Program 11: Lymph Treatment

Program 12: Blood Treatment

Program 13: Blood Pulser

Program 14: Addictions Treatment

Program 15: Bacterial Infections

Program 16: Virus

Program 17: HIV/ Aids

Program 18: Herpes

Program 19: Cold and Flu

Program 20: Colloidal Silver Generator

Program 21: Cancer Treatment

Program 22: Allergy Treatment


There are 22 Dr Beck Professional Programs installed within this machine. The Programs cannot be modified as they are designed exactly according to the Dr Bob Beck Protocol, so you can only RUN the programs.
Unlike other “Beck machines” with 1 or 2 programs, we believed it important to captivate the essence of Dr Becks entire philosophy by incorporating all of Dr Becks programs in one device, the Dr Beck Professional machine.Unlike other “Beck Machines” we have included the Colloidal Silver maker INSIDE THE MACHINE !This Beck Machine, is without doubt the most state of the art device to be found on the market, not only is it portable, but uses a vast range of accessories, Gel Pads, Arm Bands, Leg Bands, Ear-Clips, Breast Pads to name a few, in order to deliver these frequencies into the Brain or the body in the most effective manner.
We have selected the most reliable and common battery, four of the AA Rechargeable 2000+ maH to power the Dr Beck Machine, and have customers using this machine non stop, off the Grid, on the move, for 3 days straight while connectedA Perfect machine for Work, School, Home, Driving, Flying. You can easily place the Beck Machine inside a pocket, and connect to the body using Gel Pads completely out of sight. Do your programs discretely while walking or riding a bicycle.The Following Pages will dedicate ONE Page to each of the 22 Dr Beck Programs and give you more detailed information about each program, and the best accessory to use to complete that program.

Remember: Serious Diseases require the longest treatment time, do not expect a “Silver Bullet” result using the machine for an hour or two. Best results are achieved with the longer use, and the overnight treatments which can last 7-9 hours per night.This extended treatment time can also apply to the Brain Treatment programs for some Brain Conditions. The Body adjusts to the longer treatments and syncs with the frequency waves. The extended treatment time can make a significant effect on reducing symptoms and reversing all types of disease conditions.Dr Bob Beck discovered the 1000hz Frequency which he called the “magic frequency” that was found to work where other frequencies were struggling with results, so remember to incorporate BT-6 1000hz Non Pulsing Program when other programs are not performing. It is best to use the BT-6 in conjunction with another program. For example use the [Lymph] Program for 6 hours on an overnight treatment, and switch to the BT-6 for the final 3 hours. Dr Beck would incorporate the BT-6 Machine with other machine programs for effective treatment of clients.

You May use the Bob Beck Professional in conjunction with other Bioresonance machines, such as the worlds most powerful Rife Machine (Dr Royal Rife) “The Rife Digital Professional”, People have used both the RIfe Digital Professional and the Dr Bob Beck Professional simultaneously and have said the results were amplified, the symptoms and disease were eliminated faster, or the Brain Treatments took on a more powerful effect.

In the Pages which follow, we will see the Programs in detail, followed by a suggestion of the type of accessory which will deliver the Program effectively to the body for best treatment results.
See FAQ, Frequently asked Questions, and answers about the Machine, treatments, and the Colloidal Silver program
PROGRAM # 1, Dr Beck (BT-4)
The Original Bob Beck Machine, the BT4 was a simple one frequency device, and was the first machine produced by Dr Beck, and so therefore is the first frequency provided on the Dr Beck Professional Machine.

The Bob Beck designed blood electrifier is a mutivibrator circuit that produces a square wave output at 3.92 Hz. creating a small current in the 50-100 microampere range to flow in both the Ulnar and Radial arteries located on underside of the forearm just behind the wrists and also the inner leg.The information on using Beck’s blood electrification device (sometimes called a “blood electrifier” or the Beck zapper) is provided in the 1998 Nexus magazine article titled: The Beck Zapper: Renewed Hope Against AIDS.BT-4 gives a continuous output of 3.92Hz (Always On), there is no Pulse on this program. Alternatively use Program # 13, PULSE (Blood Pulser) should you require this same frequency set 3.92Hz in Pulse Mode. Use Machine for 7-9 Hours overnight for one week for a complete and thorough Blood Cleansing


[GELPADS] on the inner lower Leg on the arteries

[GELPADS] on the wrist over the arteries

PROGRAM # 2, Dr Beck (BT-5) also known as the BT PLUS
The BT Plus uses the frequencies of 111 Hz pulse, and was referred to as the “The Black Box – Secret … Treatment of Rock Superstars” in OMNI Magazine. The BT-PLUS black box was used by Dr. Margaret A. Patterson, MD., to cure British rock star Pete Townsend of “The Who” of his addiction to heroin.
Use the BT-5 frequency for Drug Addiction
Or use frequency #14 [HABIT] to assist with alcohol addiction issues.

BT-5 Program works well for Drug addiction specific problems, such as addiction to Nicotine, Heroin, Cocaine, Barbiturates and addictive Pharmaceutical drugs. BT-5 Program requires a minimum of one month overnight treatment 7-9 hours for positive results.


[Earclips] For Brain Treatment, Clip to Ear-Lobes [Gelpads] For Brain Treatment, Attach to Temples
PROGRAM # 3, Dr Beck (BT-6)
1000hz. This is the “magic frequency” that was found to work where other’s failed. Dr Beck often used the BT5 and BT6 frequencies together for treatments.
BT5 – 111Hz & BT6-1000hz
BT-6, “The Magic Frequency” works to boost the effectiveness of other frequencies when certain frequencies are not working.So an ideal program suggestion would be to select your usual frequency from the Dr Beck machine, and use for the suggested time; then follow this program with the BT-6 to boost the effectiveness of the original program.
BT-6 works in unity with all other programs, and would be the second program of choice to your usual program

[Earclips] For Brain Treatment, Clip to Ear-Lobes

[Gelpads] For All Treatments

PROGRAM # 4, Dr Beck (BT-7)
Pulsed 0.5Hz. Voltage modulation corresponds to the Lower Band of the Delta brainwave frequency. This frequency, in terms of EEG brainwave, is associated with deep REM sleep. BT-7 can also be used in combination with the [DELTA] Program #9 which uses the full spectrum of 10 frequencies 0.01Hz – 1.5HzDr Beck selected the 0.5Hz on the BT-7 specifically for Brain Treatments and assist with insomnia conditions. Slow Wave Sleep or SWS, is the deepest of sleep states and it plays a vital role in health and well being. During this phase of the sleep cycle, the brain begins producing very slow, large Delta waves. Even if your lifestyle doesn’t allow for the luxury of a full eight hours of sleep, a few hours of on the BT-7, 0.5Hz Program will allow your brain to receive the restorative sleep it needs. Other Spectrums of the Delta Range of frequencies can be accessed using the [DELTA] Program # 9


[Gelpads] Use with BT-7 and attach Gelpads to Temples [Earclips] For BT-7 Treatment, Clip to Ear-Lobes

In the 1970s Dr Beck discovered the Schumann frequencies which were are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. The Schumann Earth Frequency can clear negative energy and emotions within the body, TheFrequency can ground (earth) the body and facilitate a better platform for healing.

By tuning into the Schumann Resonance, the body benefits from this healing frequency and can more effectively rebuild and repair itself.

The [SCHUM] 7.83Hz Program has been shown in scientific studies to be an essential requirement for physical and psychological health. The Schumann Resonance in the body and helps to recover autonomic nerve balance, remove stress, and intensify concentration.


[Gelpads] Use with [SCHUM] and attach Gelpads to Temples [Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet

Alpha Waves Exist between 8.0Hz and 12.0Hz, on the Dr Bob Beck Professional, the [ALPHA] Program will run 10 Alpha Frequency programs continuously within the entire ALPHA Bandwidth.
Dr Bob Beck Used all 5 Brainwaves in his study of healing the Brain and the Body, Dr Beck discovered that Alpha Waves promotes a state of meditation and relaxationAlpha is the bridge between Beta and Theta. In an Alpha state your brainwaves move at 7 and 14 cycles per second. The Alpha Program promotes a meditative state of mind. Alpha is the frequency between our conscious thinking and subconscious mind. Alpha Waves resolve Anxiety, High Stress, Insomnia, OCD. Alpha has been known to take away pain and is useful in healing. Alpha Program is not suitable for memory recall and learning, so use for Meditation and relaxation.

[Gelpads] Use with [ALPHA] and attach Gelpads to Temples

[Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet


BETA Waves Exist between 12.0Hz and 30.0Hz, on the Dr Bob Beck Professional, the [BETA] Program will run 10 Beta Frequency programs continuously within the entire BETA Bandwidth.

Dr Bob Beck Used all 5 Brainwaves in his study of healing the Brain and the Body, Dr Beck discovered that Beta Waves promotes a state of mind activity.Beta waves have a frequency of 14–28 cycles per second. Beta Waves are associated with normal waking consciousness and a heightened state of alertness, logic and critical reasoning. Having the right amount of Beta allows us to focus to our task whether at school, work or sports performance. [BETA] Program resolves ADHD, daydreaming, depression and poor cognition. Beta waves will permit Conscious focus, memory, problem solving

[Gelpads] Use with [BETA] and attach Gelpads to Temples [Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet
GAMMA Waves Exist between 25.0Hz and 100.0Hz, on the Dr Bob Beck Professional, the [GAMMA] Program will run 10 GAMMA Frequency programs continuously within the entire GAMMA Bandwidth. Dr Bob Beck used all 5 Brainwaves in his study of healing the Brain and the Body, Dr Beck discovered that GAMMA Waves promotes a state of mind activity.

Gamma Brain Waves are the fastest brainwaves (high frequency) and the most recently discovered brain wave state. In this state, your brainwaves loop between 40 and 5,000 cycles a second. [GAMMA] Program promotes higher processing brain tasks as well as cognitive functioning; This is important for learning, memory and information processing. Gamma Waves resolve ADHD, Depression, Learning Disabilities. Gamma waves will allow greater Learning ability, Cognition, information processing, perception and night use will put the Brain into REM sleep


[Gelpads] Use with [GAMMA] and attach Gelpads to Temples [Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet

DELTA Waves Exist between 0.01Hz to 1.5Hz, on the Dr Bob Beck Professional, the [DELTA] Program will run 10 DELTA Frequency programs continuously within the entire DELTA Bandwidth. Dr Bob Beck used all 5 Brainwaves in his study of healing the Brain and the Body, Dr Beck discovered that DELTA Waves promote The Deep Sleep State.

Delta are Low Frequency Brain Waves which exist at 0-4 cycles per second. Delta is experienced in a deep dreamless sleep or deep transcendental meditation. Delta is usual mostly in Infants. Deep sleep is important for the healing process – as it’s linked with deep healing and regeneration. Delta Waves resolve an Inability to rejuvenate body, inability to revitalize the brain, poor sleep and insomnia. Delta waves will boost the Immune System, promote natural healing and a restorative sleep and deep sleep in infants and adults. Will also assist with infants who have sleeping problems.


[Gelpads] Use with [DELTA] and attach Gelpads to Temples [Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet


THETA Waves Exist between 4Hz to 7Hz, on the Dr Bob Beck Professional, the [THETA] Program will run 10 THETA Frequency programs continuously within the entire THETA Bandwidth.

Dr Beck discovered that THETA Waves promotes a very deep state of relaxation

A Theta state is a very deep state of relaxation. This is the state used in hypnosis and dreaming. In it, the brainwaves are slowed to a frequency of 4 – 7 cycles per second. Theta brainwaves can be thought of as the subconscious; they govern the part of our mind that is layered between the conscious and the unconscious. They hold memories and sensations. They also govern our attitudes, beliefs and behavior. They are always creative, inspirational and characterized by very spiritual sensations.

Theta Brain Waves occur most often in sleep but are also dominant during deep meditation. In theta we are in a dream; vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond normal consciousness awareness. It helps us improve our intuition, creativity, and makes us feel more natural. This is also the Flow State Zone.

Theta Brain Waves resolve Anxiety issues, poor emotional awareness & stress. Theta brain waves promote creativity, emotional connection, intuition and relaxation.


[Gelpads] Use with [THETA] and attach Gelpads to Temples

PROGRAM # 11, [Lymph] Lymph Treatment Program
The Lymph Treatment Program exists on the 3.54Hz – 3.99Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The [LYMPH] Program will run 10 LYMPH Frequency programs continuously. The Lymph is a complicated network of fluid-filled nodes, vessels, glands and organs, the lymphatic system touches almost every part of the body. The Lymph is one of the most important systems of the human body.

The lymphatic system’s main function is to cleanse toxins and protect against harmful invaders. It tackles toxins that are introduced to the body from both external means (food, air, personal care products, water) as well as internal ones (damaged protein, Cell & Metabolic waste), making it a key detoxification pathway.

Through lymph nodes and the lymphatic network, your immune cells can travel around fighting pathogens, such as bacteria and mold, and preventing disease and infection. This is why keeping your lymphatic system functioning properly is directly related to the overall health of the body: a stronger lymphatic system means a more resilient and reactive immune response and defense. Use LYMPH Program overnight for 7-9 hours with GEL-PADS USE GELPADS WITH THE PROGRAM [LYMPH]

PROGRAM # 12, [Blood] Blood Electrifier Program
The Blood Treatment Program exists on the 100Hz – 150Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The [BLOOD] Program will run 10 BLOOD Programs continuously. Use for 7 – 9 Hours a night.

Dr Beck researched using electricity in the blood to disable microbes his research describes two blood electrification methods as being able to: “provide electric current flow through the blood sufficient to render the bacteria, virus, parasites and/or fungus ineffective to infect or affect normally healthy cells.” Dr Beck then invented a simpler non-invasive means of getting electricity into the blood. He then did off-shore testing of the device to verify its effectiveness (mostly against viral disease since viruses are always circulating in the blood). Since then, Bob Beck has personally seen hundreds of people helped by his blood electrifier

Bob Beck has seen dozens of his friends use these devices and regain so much immune strength that they didn’t lose a single day’s work in over three years from getting sick! Bob Beck also knows of an MD who claims over two hundred documented cancer remissions by using only blood electrification via the Blood Electrifier.


[GELPADS] on the inner lower Leg on the arteries [GELPADS] on the wrist over the arteries

PROGRAM # 13, [PULSE] Blood Pulser Program
The Blood Pulser Program is the 3.92Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The [BLOOD] Pulser will run this one BLOOD Pulse Frequency program continuously. Use Program 13 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week for a complete and thorough Blood Pulsing

The Pulser aids transport of immune cells to the bloodstream to destroy the microbes deactivated by electricity in the blood, and can assist with all kinds of diseases including AIDS, prostate cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Hepatitis A and B, Herpes B, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, cervical cancer, Lyme disease, and lupus. All of these are caused by viruses and bacteria which is the forte of the Blood Electrifier Blood Pulser, which means that the list of diseases these devices may reverse could be very long.

Dr Bob Beck also knows of an MD who claims over two hundred documented cancer remissions by using only blood electrification via the Blood Electrifier. Bob Beck has personally helped more AIDS patients than any other type and feels that his devices are 100% effective if the patient uses them exactly as directed. In the early years of his electromedicine research he funded a study with two medical doctors and 8 AIDS patients


[GELPADS] on the inner lower Leg on the arteries [GELPADS] on the wrist over the arteries

The HABIT (Addictions) Program is the 100Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The [HABIT] Program will run a single 100Hz Frequency program continuously. Use Program #14 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week to one month. Use for extended periods if required.

The 100hz Frequency works effectively for Alcohol specific addictions, however you may combine this frequency with the General

Dr Beck BT-5 Addictions program

Concerning Alcohol addiction; the brain ceases making some of its own neurotransmitters, for example, its own pain-killers called endorphins. Putting a weak electromagnetic signal into the body, especially the head area, stimulates the brain into producing its own neurotransmitters again, including endorphins. Amazingly, the craving for alcohol and drugs disappear in three to ten days.


[Gelpads] Use with [ALPHA] and attach Gelpads to Temples [Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet

The [BACTE] BACTERIA Program is the 920Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The Bacteria Program will run a single 920Hz Frequency program continuously. Use Program #15 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week to one month. Use for extended periods if required.

Use The Bob Beck Machine to fight Bacteria and common Bacterial Infections. The BACTERIA Program works in a similar way as Homeopathy: using natural principles to heal the body. Everything around us already has an electrical charge and thus a certain electrical frequency – we are always and everywhere exposed to it. If you have a specific Bacteria, it lives in a frequency field. When you transmit the Bacteria Frequency into your body, the bacteria gets over-stimulated and dies. Use Bacteria Program to restore vitality and health. The program is producing a harmonic resonance in the body.


[Gelpads] Use with [ALPHA] and attach Gelpads to the Neck area [Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet

The [VIRUS] Program is the 250Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The Bacteria Program will run a single 220Hz Frequency program continuously. Use Program #16 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week to one month. Use for extended periods if required

Viruses are susceptible to the same kind of mechanical excitation as seen in the Bacteria program. Pulses of Electronic Frequencies will induce destructive vibrations in the “outer shell” of a Virus

The specific Bandwidth of the frequency creates an impulsive push which gets the virus shaking, which actually induces a destructive vibrations in the virus shells. You can use the [VIRUS] program with the Bacteria Program


[Gelpads] Use with [VIRUS] and attach Gelpads to the Neck area [Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet

The [HIV] Program is the 150Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The HIV Program will run a single 150Hz Frequency program continuously. Use Program #17 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week to one month. Extended periods are required.

“Bioelectrification” or “blood electrification”, a simple electronic therapy that was discovered to stop the replication of the virus that causes AIDS. Subsequently, Bob discovered that many other serious health conditions, including malaria, responded favorably to blood electrification. Many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people, worldwide, have benefited enormously from the use of blood electrification due to the lecturing efforts of Robert C. Beck.

Use the Gel Pads and the Blood Cleanse methods for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. This is the exact method used by Dr Beck to eliminate this Virus in the blood. Longer sessions are imperative successful treatment


[GELPADS] on the inner lower Leg on the arteries [GELPADS] on the wrist over the arteries

The [HIV] Program is the 950Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The HERPES Program will run a single 950Hz Frequency program continuously. Use Program #18 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week to one month. Extended periods are required.

“Bioelectrification” or “blood electrification”, a simple electronic therapy that was discovered to eliminate Herpes Virus. Dr Bob Beck discovered that many other serious health conditions, including malaria, responded favorably to blood electrification. Many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people, worldwide, have benefited enormously from the use of blood electrification due to the lecturing efforts of Robert C. Beck.

Use the Gel Pads and the Blood Cleanse methods for the treatment of HERPES (All types). This is the exact method used by Dr Beck to eliminate this Virus in the blood. Longer sessions are imperative successful treatment


[GELPADS] on the inner lower Leg on the arteries [GELPADS] on the wrist over the arteries

The [FLU] Program is the 850hHz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The FLU Program will run a single 850Hz Frequency program continuously. The influenza FLU virus, as well as other common viral infections like the common cold, often cause irritation of the throat as part of the entire constellation of the illness they cause, which also includes nasal congestion, cough, aches and pains, and, sometimes, fever. Use Program #19 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for a week or more. Use the GelPads on the neck to assist with Cold and Flu conditions by targeting Bacteria and Virus in the Neck Lymph Glands region. Use the Dr Beck Atomizer for Lung infections

The [FLU] program can be used also with the [VIRUS] program as well as the [BACTERIA] program [Gelpads] Use with [FLU] and attach Gelpads to the Neck area

Gel Pads on the Lymph nodes for FLU + Body Fever + Night Sweats

The [SILVER] Program runs the Alpha Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. Creating Silver in the ALPHA Frequency produces the most bio-active Colloidal Silver available on the market. All features are integral to the Dr Bob Beck Protocol, and you can do this at home on your own machine with a simple press of a button

Use the Colloidal Silver Program as the second most important contribution to your therapy. Use the Colloidal Silver in conjunction with all Dr Beck Protocols and programs. The Colloidal Silver Apparatus is included with your Bob Beck Professional Machine, and is in the Bag. You can also Purchase a separate device, The Dr Beck Atomizer (accessory) for Lung Specific treatments with the Silver you make on the Beck Machine.

Clip the Colloidal Silver Maker on the Cup of water filled to 3/4 full. Plug the Cable into the Dr Beck Machine. Select Program # 20 [SILVER]. Press (â–ºII) Play, and you will see a small cloud appear in the water, indicating the production of silver at 10 ppm at .0010 microns. The Program will turn off once the Silver is produced. If you wish to double the strength, then Press (â–ºII) Play one more time. The more times you Press (â–ºII) Play, the greater the silver PPM.

The [CANCER] Program is the 20HZ – 780Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The CANCER Program will run a Set of 10 Frequency programs within the 20Hz – 780Hz Frequencies continuously. Use Program #21 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week to one month. Extended periods are required.

“Bioelectrification” or “blood electrification”, a simple electronic therapy that was discovered to assist in the treatment and remission of all Cancers.


-Use the Blood Cleanse methods for the treatment of Blood type Cancers. Place Gel Pads over the arteries of the wrist and foot

– Use Gel Pads for treatment of Lymph Cancer and Breast Cancer. Place Gel Pads on the Lymph Nodes and Breast – Place Gel Pads over the location of any organ cancer – Place Gel Pads on the temples for Brain type Cancers


[Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet

Use Breast Pads if required

The [ALLERGY] Program is the 40HZ – 250Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The ALLERGY Program will run a Set of 10 Frequency programs within the 40HZ – 250Hz Frequencies continuously. Use Program #22 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week to one month. Use for extended periods if required.

The Dr Beck Allergy frequencies target and stimulate points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum. Lymph nodes are located throughout the body but the largest groupings are found in the neck, which will be the location of your GEL-PADS for Allergy treatment.


– Place Gelpads on the upper neck, on the point of the Lymph Glands under the neck – Secondary Gelpads position on the face, on each side of the nose.


[Earclips] for Ear-Lobes [Flex] For Hands or Feet Make Colloidal Silver and breath deeply; the Atomized Silver into the Lungs, and then exhale out through the nose. FAQ. [Frequently Asked Questions]

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