I’m in desperate need of your strongest zapper! I have potentially fatal worms in my brain.
Thank you for having this powerful product available to help people in need! I just discovered I have them and want to diligently try fighting with your zapper first! Looking forward to hearing from you with a quick response!
The Zapper or Rife Professional is stronger, but has problems getting frequencies as high up the body as the brain. That is why the Beck Professional is useful by the placement of Gel Pads on the temples, and the ability to do treatments while “on the move”.
Because the Beck Pro-Gel Pads are located at the temple area, the frequency output is significantly increased for the specific area of treatment. I think the Beck Professional is a good alternative for treatment of Brain Parasites.
Usually if people have parasites in the brain, they are also present throughout the body. The Zapper or Rife Professional would be the best body (colon/intestinal) treatment for parasites.
You can also use the Rife Healing mat positioned at the Upper back/neck area with the Zapper Professional, Zapper Ultra, Rife Professional or Rife Ultimate, Trio models. —————-
So, if you really wanted to go after this aggressively – you could get both machines. And if you chose to do that let me know I’ll send you a discount coupon. You get a discount if you order more than 1 machine – but the website will only give you that discount if ordering 2 of the same model.
So, I would need to send you a coupon. Please email me at ———– You don’t have to have both machines – but you could use the Zapper/Rife at night with the straps on the balls of the feet or using the Rife Healing Mat, and the Beck machine during the day.
The Beck is battery powered so you can be walking around or whatever. – You can also alternate – one day with Beck, one day with the Zapper or Rife, or one week with the Beck and the next with the Zapper/Rife.
Either/or machine is good, using both would be the fastest way to resolve the issue. The Beck Machine The Zappers, either the Professional or the Zapper Ultra will be fine. Here is the link for the Rife machines.
The other thing you can also do, and really I would is the herbal parasite cleanse. Doing this along with using a machine is very effective: Parasite Cleanse If you can’t do both machines, then I would suggest the Beck machine and the Herbal Parasite Cleanse.
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