Question: My mother have many disease (65 years old). She use Zapper common mode for 2 months such as “common parasite” and “common bacteria”. All the allergy or reaction is gone. Can you please let me know what the mode is suitalbe for her? — Her diseases — lung : sputum eyes : maculopathy esophagus : 6cm tumor in the esophagus (not malignant) Answer: Sputum is a culture method. Doesnt make sense here If the question is Lung disease or Bacteria then use a bacteria set Gram + or – So, do you know what is causing the Sputum? EYES: Very difficult to cure eye diseases with the rife because the Rife cannot reverse damage already present on the eyes, Like the liver, once the cells are damaged, nothing can grow new cells. It can stop the progression of the disease. Tumor, The rife can treat all tumors. Some tumors which are malignant can also be removed with surgury, as these longer term non malignant tumors tend to take a very long time to break down. It will take some time. Tumor, General Non Malignant: 0.10, 0.31,0.44, 58.00, 77.90, 126.00, 471.68, 487.52, 507.12, 622.31  

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