Question: A: I was advised to do enemas by the naturopath I was seeing, just to improve health, no major illness. I had done maybe 3 enemas, no problem. But the fourth one, I added Clarkia (I had read online you could do this). It was during this enema that I felt what felt like a sensation of a rush of many tiny minute things rushing vertically through my midriff. I asked the Naturopath if it was possible for things to escape upwards, he said no, and that I must be mistaken. A day later I felt like I had minor sensations in my head, I again asked the naturopath about now having mild sensations in my head, he said after doing an enema, your head can feel really clear and that it is probably just the blood going through the veins I can feel. So I believe his advice and thought nothing more of it. I had never done another enema after the Clarkia one. B: But the very mild sensations in my head began to feel more and more obvious as the ‘items up there’ were growing in size. As they grew more and more I was able to tell they were different shapes and sizes, not sure if different stages of the same pathogen or varied pathogens. They are under my skin and able to travel in through the top of my head, into the void area behind the eyes/nasal area, in behind my ear area, near my eye as I’ve had my eyeball nudged before. Told my naturopath there was definitely things walking around in my head area. He did his electrical machines test again and then clicked into the head area onscreen, he said ‘How did I miss this!’ When he clicked on some of them the info about them said ‘resides in the colon’. All of his strongest parasite tonics he created for me didn’t work. So I bought the Rife machine. The worst sensation at that point was when one stretched out and it was obviously quite a long thing. So I targeted Helminth frequencies based on the listing I have. Also used Parasites General frequency for the smaller sensations I could feel. Additionally, if I put oregano oil or clove oil directly all over my scalp they don’t like it. Their movement becomes more ‘tacky’ as they drag themselves around. I can feel the warm movement of it if it gets quite a bit of the oil on it. But it does not kill them. Longest one roughly 2ft long now. Maybe tapeworm, hence treating with Echinococcosis frequency (Echinococcus Granulosis is on the Naturopath’s listing) Answer: Usually “Gut” Parasites stay in the Gut, Nematodes cannot reach the head or brain, because they are Stomach/Intestine resident. Parasites which are Nematode type that are in the head area, are usually transmitted there by insect bites which carry these parasites, a little rare in USA, more common in Africa and other tropics (South America etc) Amoebas are a tiny parasite that can travel from Stomach, to blood and into other regions of the body, this may be another possibility. Use the Machine on the feet for +9 hours per night/ day a supersweep is good when the parasite cannot be identified properly. Re: Colonics: Most Water Based colonics will not clear parasites. Parasites stick to the walls of the intestines. The following is an effective anti parasite treatment used in India by Ayurveda Doctors, You cant find this online but it is very effective. It kills parasites on contact. Ingredients: 50ml Pure neem oil, 10ml of Natural Organic Detergent (chemical free) ‘yes it does exist’ 2 Liters of warm water. Mix the 50ml Pure Neem Oil, with 10ml Detergent into a cup of boiled water until all is dissolved. Tip this into a 2 Liter Colonics bucket and fill with warm water. This ‘Colonic’ method may be used many times, and the natural “Neem Oil” will kill all parasites on contact. Parasites attached to the intestinal wall will be dislodged. “Neem Oil Colonic” is an extremely effective Intestinal Parasite treatment which will clear all Intestinal Parasites in less than 10 minutes. I only became aware of this after personally discussing treatments with Indian Ayurveda Doctors at Clinics in Kerala. This incredible treatment has been buried in the Ayurveda folklore in India for hundreds of years, and is almost unheard of online. Using my own understanding of the Dr Clark methodology which I highly trust, My point of view here would be to adopt this Ayurveda treatment with Dr Clark’s philosophy of 18 days to kill the parasite (egg-larve-adult ) cycle. Parasite Cleanse. This would require someone willing to try this obscure Colonic’s treatment to do so for 21 days, otherwise a shorter time treatment may not kill parasite eggs, and therefore the cycle may likely recommence 21 days after a shorter treatment program Last note: Just ensure you buy organic and natural ingredients. Most Neem Oil is 100% pure, that is ok, however there are many detergents professing to be ‘natural’ but they are not. There are some detergents which are 100% organic made from coconut oils or other natural ingredients and contain no chemicals or additives, So “read the labels” or search on Google for 100% Organic detergents made from Coconut or similar natural products. Neem Oil only for Colonics, 21 day treatment And the Parasite Cleanse for 18 days, is orally taken Also using the Zapper on General Parasite Set, as we are not 100% clear on what type of parasite this is. Dr Hulda Clark Parasite General, Comprehensive 0.16, 0.30, 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 356.72, 451.17 You see Gut Parasites can’t move from Intestines/Stomach to the head, so the Nematode is questionable. More likely Amoeba. However Amoeba can travel from intestine to the head because they can move into the blood, but they are so tiny you are unlikely to notice them. Amoeba however will make someone feel very unwell. A Nemotode (round worm type) in the head can only get there by insect bite on the head. This is a most definite fact. Deer fly or Mango fly bites (called Loa Loa disease) causes worms to be lodged in the head, around eyes and in eyes. (for example)  

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