Question: Advice on the internet says that Rife machines should have gating @ 2-40 Hz and ray tubes. I don’t see these mentioned on your site. Could you explain these for me? Do your machines have these? Answer: We do have Beam-Ray coming which are the Ray Lights, but the “Gating” is unclear terminology, and I would say that “Sorry” we dont understand the Gating terminology, Perhaps this is an aftermarket idea? Or terminology used by another website. Our machine follows the Dr Rife original machine “MOR” specifications which is ” Rife Digital Professional uses the 3.8Mhz Harmonic CW (Carrier wave) simultaneously while outputting the specific range frequencies… as per Dr Rife’s instrument.” “Specific range frequencies” are those from the ETDFL book., 3.8Mhz Harmonic Carrier Wave, is output simultaneously with the ETDFL original frequencies, which is how the original Rife Machine worked. So from your example, We can take the 40hz frequency you mentioned on the upper band & program this into the Rife Professional, Press CW button, and this would be accompanied with a “sideband” of 3.8Mhz, (if the [CW] Carrier Wave button has been selected.) *CW Sideband is default on all Rife Professional” however can be switched off (or over to) standard RF using a key on the Keypad. Carrier Wave is hot swappable, which means you can switch this feature off during a running session if you desire to  

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