There is a belief that the audio frequencies that were used in the original Beam Rays Clinical Rife Machine and its 1940’s and 1950’s AZ-58 replica Rife Machines are harmonic M.O.R. frequencies derived by dividing Dr. Rife’s original high RF frequencies down in octave steps until you reach the audio range of frequencies.

For this to be true all of the audio frequencies would have to be true harmonics of the higher RF frequencies. This is not the case. All the documents we have quoted and the understanding we now have proved as a myth the long believed concept that the audio frequencies used in the 1950’s were created by John Crane and John Marsh by dividing Dr. Rife’s high frequency M.O.R.s down by harmonic steps until they reached the audio range of frequencies.

If we take the correct frequency for the BX of 1,607,450 Hertz read by Philip Hoyland and divide it down by harmonics we do not get 2008 or 2128. In fact, we do not get the higher 1940’s audio frequencies of 20080 or 21275 Hertz either. This clearly proves John Crane and John Marsh did not create the audio frequencies by just dividing down Dr. Rife’s higher RF M.O.R. frequencies.

The fact is we know that the origin of these audio frequencies came from the sideband harmonic method used by Philip Hoyland in the original Beam Rays Clinical instrument. The documented information we have shows that Dr. Rife’s true M.O.R.s that would resonate organisms were the higher RF frequencies (139,200 hertz to 1,607,450 hertz) used in the Kennedy Models 110, 281 and Rife Ray #4 Rife Machine and the higher harmonic frequencies used in the Beam Rays Clinical Rife Machine.

All of Dr. Rife’s Machines worked on RF frequencies not audio frequencies. From the spectrum analysis of Philip Hoyland’s Beam Rays Rife Machine we know that it used audio frequencies for one purpose only, to create the method of sideband harmonic spacing to hit the higher harmonic frequencies which were the true RF M.O.R.s. Henry Siner reported Philip Hoyland’s design killed the organisms under microscope observation. Add to this the list of doctors who used the instruments and said they had many diseases cured.

This shows that Philip Hoyland’ harmonic method works beyond question. Dr. Robert P. Stafford was not able to kill any organisms using just the square wave audio frequency harmonics with a fixed RF carrier. He did his tests under microscope observation.

Today, like Dr. Stafford many have tried to kill the organisms which these audio frequencies correspond to, with no success. If these audio frequencies, as some have claimed, were really harmonic frequencies derived from the higher RF M.O.R. frequencies then they should be able to kill the microorganism they correspond to. If an audio frequency harmonic of Dr. Rife’s RF M.O.R. will not devitalize an organism under microscope observation, can the harmonic association be valid?

No rational person would believe this. Yet today this is exactly what most people believe because they do not have all of the facts. The evidence we have given in this report shows that if the RF M.O.R. frequency is lowered by too much it will lose its ability to devitalize an organism even though it is a harmonic frequency. Dr. Stafford and many others found when they treated the organism with the audio frequency that was supposed to devitalize it the organism continued to grow.

Then when they transferred it from one culture to another it still grew on the new medium they used. Can there be any greater scientific proof than this? Even Dr. Rife would not have argued with this method of determining true M.O.R.s, because this is the method he used.

This is the greatest proof, along with the fact that almost all the audio frequencies are not true harmonics of the original high RF frequencies. We know many other people who have made the same tests on microorganisms as Dr. Stafford and told us they obtained the same results he did. John Marsh said on the Rife CDs that they came up with the frequencies using math.

If every audio frequency was a perfect harmonic match to its higher RF M.O.R. then we could say they were all derived from the RF M.O.R.s, but they are not. Even if the audio frequencies were derived from the RF M.O.R.s, and they do not devitalize the organism in the same way, is the principle valid?

What the evidence in this report certainly proves is, without really knowing it, Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh discovered that these lower square wave audio frequencies are beneficial. Since they will not devitalize the organism they correspond to under microscope observation, then how can it be that they seem to help people?

From Dr. Stafford’s statement we read that he also wondered why they would work on some conditions and not others. He felt that these audio frequencies stimulated the adrenal glands and immune system much like ultrasonic frequencies do. And this stimulation is why the frequencies help even though they do not work like a true RF M.O.R. frequency would.

The fact is we really don’t know why the audio frequencies are beneficial, but for some unknown reason they are. Though the method of modulating a square wave audio frequency onto a fixed RF carrier did not work as well as Dr. Rife’s original method did, or Philip Hoyland’s sideband method, nevertheless it works very well on some conditions.

Even though the audio frequencies are beneficial in many ways, this still does not prove the idea that the 1950’s audio frequencies are harmonic M.O.R.s. What needs to be kept in mind is how the original Beam Ray Clinical instruments worked. Neither the 3.3 or the 3.8 megahertz carrier frequency nor the audio frequencies will do anything by themselves.

But when the 3.3 or the 3.8 megahertz harmonic carrier frequency and the audio frequencies are combined together they will produce many sideband frequencies. And one of these sideband frequencies will line up with the true Rife M.O.R frequency and devitalize or render harmless the harmful microorganism.

If you just use the audio frequencies by themselves you will get nothing.

If you use the 3.3 or the 3.8 megahertz carrier without the audio frequencies you will get nothing.

The audio frequencies used in this style of instrument must have the RF carrier frequency of 3.3 or 3.8 megahertz or they are useless.

This is the reason the 1950’s AZ-58 Beam Ray Clinical instrument did not work properly.

Conclusion: The real problem is 95% of all the frequency generating equipment that people call “Rife Machines” sold on the market today only use low audio frequencies. It really is “buyer beware”. If a frequency generating piece of equipment cannot output both the audio frequency range and the RF range then it is not worth buying. Rife digital Professional uses the 3.8Mhz Harmonic CW (Carrier wave) simultaneously while outputting the specific low range frequencies… as per Dr Rife’s instrument.

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