
I have another question for you. I am using the zapper to treat Lyme Disease. My Holistic Dr is in full support of the device and has recommended several of her patients to use them. When I use the Lyme frequency setting I wake up in the morning with an open soar rash on my face. I stopped for a week to clear it up and determine if the device was the culprit. I started again last night and it happened again. Is this a response by my body is having in pushing this out?

Why just my face am I getting the rash? Will it eventually subside or should I make modifications? I am not going to stop the treatment, I just want an idea of how long I may see this happen, unless you suggest I do not do a sweep to start and maybe limit it to less than an hour vs the 2 hours I am doing. Any help, thanks!


Its a Herxheimer Reaction, and the machine is eliminating the Gram-negative spirochetal bacteria (Borrelia) which causes the Lyme. The elimination process is happening too quickly. and dumping dead pathogens through the Liver. The Liver is getting overloaded and resulting in rash/pimple/breakout on the face.

Suggestion: (1) Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse, to cleanse the Liver

(2) Perhaps the parasite cleanse.

(3) Reduce the frequency treatment right down (in hours)

The Herx reaction will remain present whilst the Liver is Toxic and while the dead bacteria are slowly moving through and out this organ. Reducing the Frequency time will remove most of the Herx symptoms, but also stop the amount of Borrelia being eliminated in the body. So the treatments must be built up, an hour to one full treatment per day, until the body is able to eliminate the pathogens without side affect. You can also opt for the detox set before returning to the main LYME frequency set and of course the cleanses will speed up the detox processes —————- So, if you are going to try the herbal cleanses then you will want to start with the Parasite Cleanse, then you would do the Liver Cleanse. If you wanted to do the DETOX sets, and try that first then I would suggest one week per set and just one treatment per day. I would imagine by the end of 3 weeks you should be able to up your treatment time. Though I would start with one Lyme treatment per day for a week and then the following week try 2 treatments per day and just keep increasing until you feel confident that you moved past that stage.

Then you can start with the over night treatments and really go after it.

Detox: (Toxin extraction) 0.20, 0.14, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.55, 0.52, 0.76, 0.78, 1.86,

Detox: (Liver, Kidneys, Lymph, Intestine, Scars): 0.03, 0.54, 0.75, 0.02, 0.24, 0.15, 0.52, 0.44, 0.64, 0.18

Parasites general comprehensive: 0.16, 0.30, 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 356.72, 451.17

For LYME there is a lot of die-off and we suggest only twice per week, all night.  Much more than that, the detox as you have found, can be uncomfortable.

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