Question: The device that Rob bought has three frequency memory slots. I would like to know if they would consider incorporating that change to include the last digit in a frequency taken from various frequency lists. I also understand your ETDFL is a very complete list. An example from the CAFL lists two frequencies for HIV_HC = 18172.28, 904.74 Right now, if a person were to program these two frequencies into the devices you currently sell, you would enter 18.17 and 0.90 and miss the rest of the frequency digits. It is my understanding that different conditions have different frequencies listed and if you do not enter the full frequency, then you would not be getting the exact frequency you need for that condition. If I had the design skills to do this, I would design a machine that could do this, but I do not possess those skills. I am grateful you and your company are here and that you sell the products you do. The few people I have loaned out your products to are converts and believers. My wife is a huge skeptic….until this week when we used your product for some red bumps on her ankles that have plagued her for several years and she finally agreed to try a treatment and the bumps stopped forming overnight and she has relief for the first time in about 8 years. Answer: 3 Reasons: (1) 99% of our buyers are not technical people. Moving frequencies to 3,4 or 5 points will only add a greater nuisance to most people. (2) The ETDFL has been successfully used for 10 years with the 2 point division (.00). There was no requirement by Dr Clark, Dr Rife or ETDFL bioresonance researchers to move the decimal point out to a finer division. Pathogen frequencies exist within a wider bandwidth, for this reason moving the decimal point to the ‘100’ (.000) or (.0000) would not make the machine more effective. (3) If it works, why change it? Why make it more difficult to program for the average client? Regarding the 1996 CAFL. The programs were used and experimented on, and found to be inadequate and incorrect in many cases. The source of these frequencies in the first place was dubious. Giving a frequency with such exactitude is definitely not how nature works with its diversity, every pathogen, virus and bacteria are unique and exist within a wider spectrum of a given bandwidth, and to say every pathogen, virus or bacteria exists at such an exact 11111.11 would not be correct. The 2 point approach focuses frequencies in a wider bandwidth area, and has proved to be more successful, according to tens of thousands of our clients. If changes are made or upgraded in ETDFL a later time, then they will be added with a broader range 2 point decimal number, to permit for the greater ‘frequency biodiversity’ of a given species (Virus/Bacteria/Parasite/Pathogen)  

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