Rife Professional and the Zappers are limited to 1Hz – 1 million Hz max for 2 reasons

(1) All Frequencies for pathogens reside under 1 million Hz. Unless you want to Zap a cockroach or a mouse, then 1 million is adequate.

(2) Frequencies above 1 million (and upwards) move to the animal and human frequency ranges, and are subjecting oneself or animals to the actual frequencies which they exist within. Using frequency devices in the same range of humans for example can have adverse effects.

In order to protect people from playing around with Mega frequencies causing potential harm to themselves, we have limited the Rife machines to treat viruses, bacteria and parasites, which generally reside in the ranges under 500 KHz (500,000Hz).

We also have provided a commonly used bioresonance book ETDFL with the machine, to give people some guidance on a therapy program to assist with treatment of various diseases.

Even a dust mite starts at 700KHz. If you have good eyes you could see a dust mite on a white table. You see everything “gets large” after 700KHz, and our object is to eliminate “the small”, the unseen bacteria, virus, parasites, which are often the source of the disease or ailment in many circumstances.

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