1.  When I came across your blog and found a Rife Beam Ray frequency for Cancer:Endocrine, I couldn’t successfully program all the frequencies because my Rife Beam Ray unit only accepts frequencies between 20-20000. The first 4 frequencies are below 20. Why is that?  I’m thinking maybe my unit is old and there are newer models with capacity to for a wider range of frequencies?  If so how may I acquire this?

Lulu is using the old 2006 CAFL.  Most of these frequencies were substandard, not all of them The ETDFL is a more comprehensive list with a wider range of frequencies, suitable for Rife Digital series..

2.  Would appreciate to know if my current treatments & the Dendritic Therapy are effective in specifically targeting NETs. 

Not enough information your current treatment protocol, however the ETDFL lists specific frequencies for C. Enocrine..

3.  What other treatments or products you have that can help me. 

A herbal Detox is always a good start to removing toxins from the body.  Ozone machines are also a good method for purifying water or food, Michele can supply all of these tools. Also the Vitalizer Plus is a page worth looking at as well.

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