Question: Can I use your frequency generator to eliminate e coli in milk to process cheese for 300 gal container? Answer: Container is too big. You would need more voltage and amperage for 300 gal You could probably do 1 GAL with present machine. In order to treat 1 GAL of milk with the Rife Professional, you will need to purchase 2 x .99 Purity Silver rods from a Jeweler wholesaler, or APMEX sells a silver bar which you can break a strip of rods off: (recommended due to highest purity) You then attach the silver rods to the Rife Leads. (Probably cut the leads and fit Alligator clips to hold the rods) Once the Pure Silver Rods are attached to the leads (Do not touch the rods together or it will damage the Rife Digital) – Set the machine to E-COLI frequency set. Put the 2 rods in the milk, spaced about 1 inch apart. Do not let any steel or copper bits of the clips or wires touch the milk, only use SILVER in milk due to the purity of this metal Run the Ecoli set on the Rife Digital Run the whole set for 100 minutes, and the Milk will be free of Ecoli or other bacteria. Larger amounts of milk can be done, but will require a magnetic stirrer, however 100 GAL is too much for our present model Rife PRO The information above was sourced by a customer in Turkey who is using the PRO machine for these purposes, private use. Very important: Do not immerse any electrode into milk which is NOT SILVER. APMEX sell the purest silver guaranteed 99+% purity NOTE 2. Turkey customer advises that the silver electrodes be 1 inch apart. Bringing the electrodes closer to 1/2 inch or 1/4 apart will cause the process to be quickened up. Client may experiment with silver rods to determine distance between electrodes. NOTE 3. Also you should do a bacteria test on the milk in a PETRI dish post the treatment, to determine whether they have performed the task for the correct period, or whether they have set the rods to the correct distance apart. It is a new science, which is working in Turkey, however due to the lady being very poor with English for feedback, it would be great to have someone locally in US giving us some feedback on these processes. So, if you feel so inclined to let us know how this goes for you we would appreciate that.  

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