Question: I have some General skin fungus on Soles of my feet and wrapping around the side of foot toward ankle bone/knuckle. What can I do? Answer: A complete eradication of the skin fungus can be achieved by a DUAL treatment Rife Treatment (1) Fungus Diseases: 0.17, 0.22, 0.93, 2.75, 27.50, 132.50, 255.58, 475.85, 724.94, 825.87 (2) Apply this natural oil from the NEEM TREE to the infected areas You can purchase 2oz of pure oil for under $4 delivered on Ebay-USA. This oil will eradicate all fungus. Rub oil into the feet and fungus areas, at night. As the oil has a distinct woody smell which may be unappealing during the day. Use the Oil Nightly for one month. Also include the Rife Frequency program at the same time. The oil is 100% safe and natural extraction from the Neem Tree seeds.  

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