
What frequencies to use to correct deficiency of these two enzymes which lead to histamine intolerance. It is about two histamines enzymes DAO and HNMT the body’s two natural enzymes that gobble up histamine.

Histamine comes to us in foods. DAO enzyme is needed to degrade this histamine. The rest we manufacture intracellular, and HNMT degrades histamine in the body tissues.

Of concern to me is its tie-in with treating /reversing allergy and with cancer. There are two enzymes we have in the body (or are supposed to have in adequate amounts) – and I would like to know if there is/are frequencies to help correct the histamine intolerance that many people develop and/or inherit for these critically important enzyme: DAO- Diamine Oxidase HNMT – histamine-N-methyltransferase


The ETDFL frequencies are more specific to a disease, rather than deficiencies.

For example the machine could be programmed for a disease related to Histamine Deficiency, but not different causes or even theoretical causes of the deficiency itself.

At this time we do not have a frequency set for Histapenia, the closest disease I could locate on Google for this deficiency.  Also consider the possibility of High copper levels which also cause this condition.

Serum copper levels in Histapenia patients are abnormally high. Since copper is a brain stimulant and destroys histamine, the elevated serum (and presumably brain) copper level probably accounts for many symptoms, including the low blood histamine level.

The treatment program consists of the administration of zinc, manganese, vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B12, and folic acid. With this treatment the high blood copper is slowly reduced and symptoms are slowly relieved in several months’ time.

If High blood Copper levels are a contributor to Histamine Deficiency (very likely) then using the Heavy Metals (Toxin Extraction) set would assist

Detox: (Toxin extraction) 0.20, 0.14, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.55, 0.52, 0.76, 0.78, 1.86

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