Question: I’m moving to China in July (from Canada). After speaking with an electrician acquaintance in Korea, he has recommended that I used a regular power adapter as well as a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) adapter when I get to China. Does this sound like the best thing to do? Or, should I order a power cord that is strictly for China? I don’t want to fry my cord and damage the machine or put myself at harm. Answer: All Power Adapters are rated for 110v, 200v, 220v, 230v, 240v and 250v power. This covers all countries in the world including China You can use a UPS, however if it is not grounded, which many are not, then you can get shocks using Adapters on ungrounded UPS Do not use external voltage conversion devices with the Rife Devices. (e.g. 110v to 220v external converter devices) As the Rife Adapter is auto switchable to all power types.


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