
I looked through the “list” and could not find a reference to the “rat lungworm parasite” (Angiostrongylus cantenosis). My friend was just diagnosed with this potentially lethal parasite and we would prefer to treat with natural alternative modality if possible. I’ve supplied one link re this disease. There are several other sites I read as well. Some benefits were achieved using supplements & Chinese Herbs. But it’s all rather iffy since it’s such a rarely occurring disease.helminth of the phylum Nematoda Cases of eosinophilic meningitis caused by the rat lungworm parasite have risen sharply in Hawaii over the past 5 years. The parasite, a nematode (Angiostrongylus cantenosis), was carried from SE Asia to Hawaii by rats, which are the host. There is a possibility that there may be two species of the parasite in Hawaii. Angiostrongylus cantonensis has been identified in Hawaii, which causes human eosinophylic meningitis. Angiostongylus costaricensis has not yet been identified here but causes human abdominal angiostrongylisasis, affecting the digestive track and bowels. Many victims in Hawaii have had symptoms that suggest infection by Angiostongylus costaricensis.

Answer: Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a parasitic nematode (roundworm) As there are hundreds of types of roundworm, ETDFL have not listed them all. This is the confirmed Dr Clark Roundworm frequency set from her Cure For All Diseases book. If you haven’t read Dr. Clark’s book the Cure For All Diseases, you can follow that link to purchase but if you like I am happy to send you a free digital copy by email just let me know if you want me to. Parasites roundworms: 0.06, 0.52, 0.62, 0.93, 2.50, 15.44, 42.50, 100.00, 376.29, 450.00, And of course this has been copied into the latest ETDFL 2015 frequency list. Dr Clark put together a general Roundworm set using Bioresonance, based on many common types of Human roundworm samples and stages. This Dr Clark frequency set will also kill the Angiostrongylus cantonensis which reside in the common human roundworm frequency bandwidth set. I generally find that the Dr Clark sets were right on the mark, and even though they were mostly “General sets”, they were effective for a broad range “Zap” of the same general parasite or pathogen family.

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