Question: It looks like one set is in KHz and one is in Hz. Let me see if we have a set in Khz for you. In the mean time, divide 1000 into the Hz and you will get the KHz number. 110/1000 = 0.11 and so on. I will see what set we have and I’ll get back to you. 148/1000 = .148 use 0.15 etc. Answer: Use General Papilloma frequencies, as we do not have listings for specific Papilloma locations… In fact Papilloma has the tendency to appear literally anywhere and everywhere on the body including on the outside skin areas (Similar to related warts which can appear anywhere) For specific Papilloma Tumors (Appearing anywhere in, or on the body) Papilloma: 0.04, 0.32, 0.57, 0.85, 30.25, 173.21, 301.80, 402.85, 410.70., 475.47 On the Rife Pro, also add this very important set (HPV) to a Group as the Papilloma virus also travels through, and is resident in the blood: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): 0.04, 0.32, 0.57, 0.85, 30.25, 173.21, 301.80, 402.85, 410.70., 475.47


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