Questions: Hi Michele, I have an infection in my tooth have been to acupuncture treatment and my acupuncturist believes the reason is the top jaw gets poor circulation. What frequencies can I use for that? Answer: Circulation of blood in the Jaw is not covered by ETDFL frequencies, as it is not a disease. I have been advised recently that people with Heredity Balding (alopecia) have had excellent results by following an alternative doctors recommendation to use the Zapper on Alopecia settings and laying on the bed for 1 hour per day with the head tilted over the end of the bed, so that blood is drawn through gravity to the top of the head where the increase in blood circulation has positively increased the production of hair follicles. In fact it was considered that one of the major contributors to baldness was the lack of blood circulation at the top of the head. My thoughts here are, that John could follow a similar method mentioned above, to assist in increasing the blood supply (& Circulation) to the head and therefore to the jaw area. Alopecia: 0.06, 5.07, 95.00, 127.63, 275.05, 455.82, 515.16, 684.81, 712.23, 993.41

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