Bad foot
Question: Could you please help me to find out what is the frequency to be use with this kind of problem or sickness. I really respect you and I hope you don’t mind to help me another time. Thanks. Answer: First let me say we are not doctors and we can’t diagnose.  Having said that: The first thing i thought was Elephantiasis. see link: very similar, yes? Lymphatic filariasis caused by Wuchereria bancrofti affects more than 100 million people in 80 countries. This mosquito-transmitted disease results in symtoms that include fever, lymphatic & renal damage, adenolymphangitis, hydrocoele, chyluria, lymphoedema and elephantiasis.

The symptoms are of a Lymphatic Disease likely related to filariasis, so use the following set Lymphatic Diseases: 0.14, 0.35, 0.93, 11.95, 25.54, 35.67, 87.50, 93.50, 234.25, 527.81

The second has to do with Diabetes.  Has the client got Diabetes?.  If so, then it is likely that a Diabetic condition has contributed to this deformity.

Some people with diabetes can no longer feel when something has irritated or even punctured the skin. A wound as small as a blister can progress to a serious infection in a matter of days. Diabetes also damages blood vessels, decreasing the blood flow to the feet. Poor circulation weakens bone, and can cause disintegration of the bones and joints in the foot and ankle.

As a result, people with diabetes are at a high risk for breaking bones in the feet. When a diabetic fractures a bone in the foot, he or she may not realize it because of nerve damage. Continuing to walk on the injured foot results in more severe fractures and joint dislocations. Sharp edges of broken bone within the foot can point downward toward the ground, increasing the risk of chronic foot sores from the abnormal pressure.

If client has Diabetes then do not use the Lymphatic set, use this one: Diabetic Neuropathies: 0.16, 0.41, 0.77, 8.93, 32.25, 43.01, 112.52, 421.35, 422.30, 802.59,


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