Question: On some of the Rife sites, they are saying that if the pathogen mutates the frequencies are no longer valid. Answer: Pathogen is unclear. A pathogen could be a Virus, Bacteria or Parasite People who usually discuss Mutations, are speaking of the subject of Bacteria. Virus are so tiny it is virtually impossible to identify a mutation vs another virus, Parasites are so “huge” that mutations are generally not likely; Parasites tend to stay in the same Genus/Family for thousands of years. A pathogen that mutates would usually be Bacteria. The mutation occurs because the person is on antibiotics. The antibiotics kill 99% of the Bacteria, and the 1% remaining are usually Gram Negative and antibiotic resistant. These 1% Bacteria then increase in number, causing a second infection which cannot be cleared successfully with antibiotics. Is the 1% of bacteria remaining a true mutation? or simply residing with the original infection as an opportunist? The mutation would likely to be another Bacteria of the same Genus and likely to be Gram Negative. The Bacteria frequencies are usually very close for the same Genus, so are unlikely to vary by more than a few thousands of a Khz. If a person believes they are invaded by the Mutant Bacteria, then look at running Gram Negative bacteria frequencies as the second option, as it is more likely that the persons new “mutant bacteria” is only a secondary infection by a Gram Negative, antibiotic resistant bacteria. The Zapper/Rife does clear Gram Negative bacteria quite well, and usually takes a week of zapping


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