Question: This question regards water and food borne bacteria and amoebas. I am in Mexico and have had one round of infection of each. Do you think that “bacterial infections and mycoses” is the best setting for bacteria and “amebiasis” for amoebas? Is there a setting that would be a good general preventative to run daily? I wash all fruits and veggies in microbiceda and drink filtered water, but my shower water is not filtered, and I think that is the source. I also would like a good setting for hearing loss. It was not sudden, so I don’t use the setting for sudden hearing loss. The other setting is for hearing disorders. My eardrums have a lot scar tissue. I am using the setting for skin–scar tissue healing for some other scars but have no idea if it will also help those scars. I have used the seeting for hearing disorders but not for a long enough period to have made a difference. Answer: Unless you can determine if the bacteria are gram negative or gram positive, then use the general bacterial infections and mycoses frequency set. Dr Williams: “Hearing loss cause by scarring cannot be healed by zapper. The scarring which is likely to be the cause of the hearing loss is not reversible by frequencies. The Zapper/Rife focuses on the elimination of pathogens and diseases, only the body itself can repair scar tissue in most circumstances.”


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