Question: 1. Scar Tissue – due to a hernia operation about 17 years ago I have had Scar Tissue in left groin for a number of years,  You supplied me with frequencies for this problem some time ago but due to house move these have have been mislaid.or loss.  Could you kindly resupply these frequencies for scar tissue in groin area..

 2.. Require frequencies for Phostherpetic (PHN) Neuralgia.

Phostherpetic (PHN) Neuralgia. is a Symptom of Herpes Zoster “shingles”: In order to reach the “root” or cause of Phostherpetic (PHN) Neuralgia. it is imperative to use the Herpes Zoster “shingles”:frequency set. In order to understand this concept better, it is like a client for the treatment of Warts when the cause or “root” of the problem is the human papilloma virus (HPV). Okay back to the subject.  Treatment of Phostherpetic (PHN) Neuralgia, use the following frequency set: Herpes Zoster “shingles”: 0.12, 0.45, 0.90, 5.91, 137.50, 372.50, 416.60, 420.20, 418.00, 824.37 <style type=”text/css”><!– .style1 { font-family: Arial; } .style2 { border-width: 0px; } –></style>&nbsp; <table style=”width: 43%; height: 68px;”> <tbody> <tr> <td style=”width: 293px;”><a href=””>Link to the Healthproducts2 Home:</a></td> <td> <div id=”logo”><a href=””><img title=”Health Products 2″ alt=”Health Products 2″ src=”” width=”261″ height=”37″ /></a></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td style=”width: 293px;”></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td style=”width: 293px;”><a href=””>DISCLAIMER</a></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &

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