Question: Hi there I have three kids 12-9-3 3 year old has  PMG with is a brain condition which in returns has seizures what zapper would you recommend for the whole family and the 3 year old Thanks. Answer: Again we can’t offer medical advice or make any claims,

The PRO model for multiple programming capacity for 3 kids/the family – or the Zapper Ultra – either/or.  The professional model has 3 groups where you can store 3 full frequency sets so it is more convenient – it also has a few more functions.

A Rife Mat for the seizures / brain condition child, place mat near shoulders so frequency location is near the head – this Mat will be available in 2 or 3 weeks.  Easier for overnight treatments and for kids being that you lie on the mat and it connects to the machine.  So, nothing connected to you. This is additional and we expect the price to be around $75.

This would be ideal for the littlest one. The professional or the Ultra can be used on kids over 1 year old In circumstances when a child is very sick, then 6mths – 1 year would be appropriate under parental guidance. Note on Flex Straps & young kids:  Flex straps have a tendency to spin around on kids feet, so must be fastened more tightly, or opt for the velcro edition.  If the flex strap silver button spins around from the sole, then a rash can occur at the top of the foot.
Let me know if you have any more questions.


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