Question: Hope all is well with you. I didn’t get on with these devices because people are less understanding about technology. I myself had interesting results with the Rife. At the end of September I had a bad urinary tract infection where I was even having blood in the urine and programmed it for that it was like a miracle cure for a moment. The pain was gone during the first hour and than all seemed to come back to normal until like next day when all my glans got swollen and were hurting. At that point I figured that the dead viruses and so created a reaction in my immune system and the next 2 days all came back to normal. I was scared though thinking that I may have done some damage to my body in some ways. After that even my digestion was better too. I could consume milk without having diarrhea as usual. Since then 2 more people used it with success for that. Then came to flue problems and I ran H1N1 and H5N1 also for whooping cough and since then my nose doesn’t dry up like used to anything comes in trough my nose creates runny nose specially when I spend few minutes with people who has cats and dogs. I don’t feel sick as far as I don’t have fever it just looks like my immune system is reacting to all intruders(dust, pollen and all kinds) in the nose and I keep on clearing the mucus as my nose fills up I blow it out and just keeps on going. Before it just started drying up after few days and now I have the same for over a month. Consistent runny nose in a way that sometimes it stays clean and sometimes just starts running my soft tissues in my nose are just too sensitive. I had some other issues where I take medication for high blood pressure(inherited) and went into panic sickness so combined with that now I have this question if the Rife is the right thing for me to use? I’m concerned that my immune system is over reacting to even things that I had no problem with before. Would you be able to give me some advise in regards to my concern? I do like the Rife it worked for eye infection for a friend as well but it also gives doubts on other things since the things don’t solidify in my nose for over a month. I hope there is an answer to this. I’m looking forward to your comments or if you can refer me to someone who can answer. Answer: A consistent running nose means the infection is still present in the body, however the Rife has managed to keep the bacteria to the point where it cannot expand further, and on the same note, the bacteria are not completely eliminated. Consider switching to detox sets, as a congested liver or kidney can prevent speedy elimination of toxins and bacteria, which then tend to accumulate mucus in the lungs and sinus. Also immune function is down if colds are persistent, and one should look at diet and/or immune building herbs, such as echinacea or astragalus which are available as a tonic or pills.


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