Question: Will the Rife or Zapper help with IBM muscle disease, Inclusion Body Nyotstios and Neoropathy? Answer: Usually when traumatic injuries occur which cause muscular damage, the Rife machine can only assist with pain and discomfort. Once the muscle is ripped, only time and exercise can regenerate flexibility. Regarding Nerve damage: The nerve provides a common pathway for electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs. Being an electrochemical impulse, they are greatly influenced by external electronic pulsed frequencies, so many people have achieved great success with nerve repair and stabilization and recuperation from ‘nerve neuropathy’. Medically speaking, Peripheral Neuropathy is damage to nerves of the peripheral nervous system, which may be caused trauma to the nerve, which in the case of John, appears to be a close diagnosis. For this reason, I would suggest that the Rife Machine has a high probability of being able to bring Peripheral Neuropathy condition into some form of remission, but may require months of treatment, especially in the incidence of older injuries. The Rule “The longer you leave it, the longer the treatment to fix it” may apply. The Rife Digital Professional set to the “Pulse” sweep frequency set could assist here. Listed are frequency settings for treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy. The frequencies below have been extracted from the ETDFL Frequency Book supplied with the Rife Digital: Peripheral Neuropathies: 0.07, 0.24, 8.60, 75.25, 117.22, 237.02, 451.90, 561.51, 698.10, 812.77 We have had many people use the machine successfully for Peripheral Neuropathies, treatments take 30-60 days for noticeable results/remission. Requirements are to wear the straps on the feet every night for 7-9 hours continuously (overnight treatment). Machine setting: ‘Pulsed Sweep’ Footer

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