
I purchased a Rife Ultimate last February and have been treating for Lyme Disease since that time. My Lyme symptoms have gone away and I feel good on that front. However, the damage that the disease left behind is painful in the form of arthritis. I just started on “post infectious arthritis” frequency sets. I want to know if you believe this is the right set to be on. I believe I’m having some herz reactions because some mornings, they are more severe than when I was treating my Lyme.

I’m going to sleep at night with the machine running the sweep all night. This is the only time I can sit and not have to get up and do anything, so using the machine at night is perfect. I’ve been doing this since last April. Please let me know your thoughts. I need some direction at this point. Thanks in advance.

Ps….I also want to make sure I have the best machine available.


Yes I have received your email in its entirety. I am also relieved that the Rife Machine held up to its reputation of eliminating Lyme Disease and related Symptoms. My experience with treatment of arthritis is to focus on Vitamin B3 as a cure for this condition in the short and long term.

I can say that people who have followed my advice have been able to achieve a reversal from arthritis and related symptoms. I would like to direct you to the work of Dr Kaufman William Kaufman, M.D., Ph.D. “I noted that niacinamide (alone or combined with other vitamins) in a thousand patient-years of use has caused no adverse side effects.”

Dr. William Kaufman was among the very first physicians to therapeutically employ megadoses of vitamin B3 (niacin, or niacinamide). He prescribed as much as 5,000 mg of niacinamide daily, in many divided doses, to dramatically improve and restore range of joint motion in arthritic patients.

This groundbreaking work remains important to this day. My suggestion to reverse the conditions of arthritis are twofold:

(1) Large doses of Vitamin B3 daily as per Kaufman recommendations.

Vitacost Niacin Non – Flushing — 1000 mg per serving – 100 Capsules – 10 capsules per day in 2 doses 5 + 5 morning and evening


(2) Rife Digital set on arthritis frequencies to help reduce pain and inflammation and boost the healing processes, remove potential parasitic contributors.

Arthritis, Rheumatoid: 0.19, 1.00, 2.80, 17.50, 45.00, 225.00, 510.25, 682.02, 759.83, 932.41



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