
Our client has a 14 year old son with Stage IV Glioblastoma – a type of brain cancer in the right frontal lobe. What frequencies should they use?


The following reply applies both to Zapper and Rife.

Frequencies for Glioblastoma all stages:

Glioblastoma: 0.07, 0.41, 0.73, 0.85, 7.50, 20.00, 57.50, 150.00, 225.37, 342.06

Place wristbands on the balls of both feet , or use the Rife Healing Mat or Belt.  You can wrap the Belt around the head for a more direct treatment.

Program the Rife or Zapper with each frequency and use for 10 minutes per frequency, (SWEEP). Many people use the zapper on the feet at night, and for the first 9 days of the treatment: 1-6 hours while resting or sleeping per day or night.

Program in all the above frequencies and allow the frequencies to cycle overnight in a loop every 100 minutes (It’s all on auto pilot). Using the machine in this fashion allowed greater energy and stamina and killed the Parasites related to the cancer. (The Parasites cause the cancer to grow. Dr Clark found specific Parasites in every case of Cancer, and used the Frequency Generator zapper (Digital Zapper) to eliminate them) Using the Zapper or Rife machine in this fashion allowed greater energy and stamina and killed the Parasites related to the cancer. (The Parasites cause the cancer to grow. Dr Clark found specific Parasites in every case of Cancer, and used the Frequency Generator zapper (Digital Zapper) to eliminate them) Dr Hulda Clarks comments on the source of the cancer:

The human intestinal fluke is a huge parasite and the scourge of humanity. I had just found it to be present in the liver (not intestine) of every cancer sufferer I saw. If the intestinal fluke (Fasciolopsis buskii) becomes adult in the liver it causes cancers of many (hundreds) kinds. Using a Zapper or Rife at specific frequencies in Cancer cases, showed that in a few hours the universal cancer marker, orthophosphotyrosine could be banished from their bodies by killing this same parasite.



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