I had IBS and I later learned it was mostly caused by dairy products but no cure is what I was told by one doctor and would have to take pills the rest of my life as it was now Chrone’s.

I’m glad I later found a better solution. I went to a natural doctor and was told to take 4,000 mil of L-glutamine (slow release) spread out in a day and also cats claw.  I didn’t take the cats claw but did the L- glutamine and was cured right away.

Now I take nothing and am well for many years.  If I do very occasionally have a flare up I just take one time release L-glutamine and the symptoms all go away.  I understand this is really an amino acid to help in digestion..It really works and I thank the good doctors that know about this.

I got so bad before seeking help I thought I was going to die. I thank those that know about simple cures A quick scan of Petes emails shows he always recommends using this product with the Rife for IBS.

He recommends this in every email related to IBS,. “For IBS, You must also combine a Rife treatment with ‘Stabilized Liquid Oxygen’ to oxygenate the stomach (and body) with a liquid oxygen supplement and to reduce herxheimer affect.  You can buy this online or at your natural health shops. I would recommend 30 drops in water 3 times a day as a minimum treatment prescription.” 


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