Question: Hi, I got the rife digital ultimate for help with an IBS-like syndrome i got as an antiparasitic drug reaction.The drug’s name is Mebendazole which caused me left lower quadrant pain,constipation,pain on bowel movement and intolerance to many foods.Technically antibiotics and antiparasitics cause “pseudomembranous enterocolitis” or pseudomembranous colitis” but this frequency set is blank in my rife’s booklet so i have been using the frecuency sets for irritable bowel syndrome and/or constipation.I’ve also used the freq set for UC.So far i have not felt any better from its use,do you know a different freq set i can use? Answer: Use the Detox frequency set as an alternative to IBS set: Detox: (Liver, Kidneys, Lymph, Intestine, ): 0.03, 0.54, 0.75, 0.02, 0.24, 0.15, 0.52, 0.44, 0.64, 0.18 You can also combine a Rife treatment with “Stabilized Liquid Oxygen” to oxygenate the stomach (and body) with a liquid oxygen supplement. You can buy this online or at your natural health shops. This is a highly recommended Electro therapy / Oxygen combination treatment program for IBS I would recommend 30 drops in water 3 times a day as a minimum treatment prescription. This is one example of the product available: Footer

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