Can the Rife or Zapper Reverse GMO Damage

Can either machine reverse damaged caused by GMOs? Answer: Avoid GMO.  This is your best solution to the problem.  Buy Organic! GMO works on a level that can alter DNA and introduces Genes of weird animals such as Spiders or Sea-snakes into a food supply such as corn or Soy.  This can do unpredictable things to Human DNA and is the likely cause of the increase in diseases in USA, which is the highest in the world. The Zapper / Rife Machines cannot reverse a DNA alteration caused by eating GMO Corn, it can however assist the person in reversing the disease they inevitably receive from eating GMO food. “Why eat GMO in the first place if it can cause injury, and look for a zapper to heal the problem later”. Most GMO is in corn and soy.  Avoid all foods that have corn/soy in them and you should be safe… even if the food is not organic (e.g. oranges, apples, cherries, plums ) you know that GMO has not reached these trees that were planted 20 years ago. Avoid corn or soy fed animals: beef, pig, chicken.  Look at Rice as a replacement to corn and soy, as this is non GMO inevitably grown with natural methods in a 3rd world country.  But, to be sure buy organic. Locally here farmers cannot afford fertilizers, and pesticides as they are too expensive.  They grow tonnes of organic rice which is sold into the non-organic market.  They use cow dung as fertilizer, the old traditional ways. Genetic Roulette the Gamble of our Lives Footer

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