Question:  This client has a Zapper Ultra.  His 1.5 year old child is very sick.  I told him he could not use the Ultra on someone that young.  If we send him a battery pack will the Ultra become like a MgHz+?  (because the info also says not to use the machine with DC power). Apparently this child is very ill and they plan to keep him in the hospital for weeks and administer lots of antibiotics. I have a very frantic father to answer to. Answer: You can add the battery to the Ultra, however, It’s main chipsets are designed to run on 16 volts, so adding a 12 volt battery will cause the battery to run flat faster (than say a MHZ+) as the Ultra draws more power.  Likewise putting the 12 volt (MHZ+) Power adapter on an Ultra will work for some time, however due to the high current draw of the Ultra, the 12 volt adapter will run hot, and will probably break down in a few months.  This is why it is best to not “Mix and Match” power adapters. If you supply “Alfred” a battery, make sure he is also given a 12 volt charger, because the “MED 16v” charger will destroy the battery in seconds.  Also charge for 1-2 hours (Max) and remove battery from adapter.  Leaving the battery on charge for more that 4 hours will cause it to leak. If Alfred is a bit of a “handyman” he could purchase a 12 volt motorbike battery and make a cable to hook up to the Ultra.  As motorbike batteries are high AMP they will be more suitable for the Ultra, and you could run the Ultra on a Motorbike battery non stop for 24 hours, before recharging.  I have tested this and can confirm it works.  We had an Ultra hooked up to a remotely located client with a motorbike battery, and the Ultra went for 48 hours non stop.  This dropped back to 24hrs after about a month of recharging.  I believe the client recharged the battery on Solar. Car batteries work also, but are cumbersome to carry around due to their weight.


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