
Michele, as i continue to debate in myself whether to purchase the Rife machine, I continue to get updates which I signed up for on the freq’s etc for various ailments.

I noticed on one home page that things such as blocked arteries are mentioned and the freq’s for that. HOW would a rife machine help with that? How is a blocked artery helped? 

I know I sound skeptical, but if you list angina on the list of ailments and then show a picture of a blocked artery and give freq’s for it, then is strongly suggests that the  Rife freq’s can have a positive effect on this condition.  So, i am just ”picking out ” this one condition and saying ”show me” or ”tell me”……any case histories, any reports of it helping……if not……why list it an a condition?

Blocked arteries would not seem to be a parasite or etc….but a build up of plague. If the Rife machine did indeed help with a blocked artery then would there not be some testimonies to that wonderful result?

Thanks for your kindness in responding……….all i have read about your site and the machines seems very encouraging and reputable , so i just wanted to ”pick” out one area…….the blocked artery/angina issue and see if u could answer my concerns above.

I am assuming your web site would not list ”angina” along with other illnesses and the recommended freq’a unless there was some report of it working……….right? thanks for your patience, and honesty.


Rife Digital will not magically cleanse blocked arteries.

The Frequencies however work synergistically with the circulatory system

The circulatory system is a vast organ responsible for transporting materials throughout the entire body. It transports nutrients, water, and oxygen to billions of body cells and carries away wastes such as carbon dioxide that body cells produce. It is a massive highway that travels through your entire body connecting all your body cells.  The circulatory system is divided into three major parts:  the heart, blood, blood vessels and arteries.

Angina Pectoris: 0.10, 0.68, 0.83, 42.20, 92.50, 225.00, 534.20, 779.00, 882.10, 911.09
The frequencies for Angina Pectoris treat the entire Circulatory system as a whole,  with frequencies that prevent stroke and related injury, reduces chest pain and coronary artery spasms, and helps regulate oxygen supply.


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